Who Loves Crazy Cats…and Why?

I have two cats in my household with vastly different personalities. Oreo McFlurry lives up to his name. He’s sweet and everybody loves him. Unfortunately, Medusa lives up to her name, too. She’s a total […]

Monsters and Why We Love Them

Do you love monsters too much? You’re not alone. Humanity’s fascination with creepy crawlies that murder and maim extends back to Biblical times – the Behemoth and Leviathan. Remember Grendel from Beowulf? He showed up about […]

Wanted: Two Kittens and a Dragon

Wanted: Two kittens, preferably siblings, young enough for occasional bottle-feeding. Agile enough to climb the walls and hide in the Christmas tree. Warm and fuzzy enough to snuggle in my lap while I read. Graceful […]

The Heart of a Wanderer

Tolkien’s right, not all those who wander are lost. I remind my husband of this fact every time my directions lead us down some unplanned road. Literally or metaphorically. Planning is great. The best laid […]

Fun Flashback-Tips and Traditions for Amazing Reunions!

With summer around the corner (okay, maybe that’s a little wishful thinking), I decided this was a great time to flash back to a family reunion post. If you haven’t started planing yet, now’s the time! So grab […]