Autocorrect Conspiracy

AutocorrectToday I am grateful for autocorrect. Hey wait, that’s not what I meant to write. I swear autocorrect is a sentient demon, trying to take over the cyberworld and, by extension, us. My latest faux pas occurred this morning when I was out taking a walk. My son texted me for some info and with the help of autocorrect, I informed him…I am on an elk.

Lovely image, isn’t it. Fortunately, I spotted autocorrect’s treachery before pressing send, thus preventing the activation of the merciless teen-teasing machine (also out to get me). I know, autocorrect was supposedly designed by benevolent people whose only desire is to aid and assist humankind. Baloney. There’s a conspiracy here somewhere. So watch out before you press that send button or you might trigger an alien invasion or end up imprisoned for riding chickens or some such nonsense. You never know, it could happen. Just ask Siri.

What crazy tricks has autocorrect played on you?