Why I Need a Fire Dragon

Now that Nanowrimo is winding down to a close (for me at least, I’m at 49, 872 words today!! Woohoo…happy dance!), I thought I’d blog about a much more pressing matter.

Why I need a Fire Dragon:
1.      The only pets I currently have are outside chewing their cud.
2.      A fire dragon (meaning a dragon made of fire, with scaly black skin laced with cracks that burn orange and ominous as if it’s about to explode…bwah ha ha ha)… Ahem, a fire dragon can provide much more warmth and pyrotechnic ability than a cat, even one who can puff up to the size of a burning mountain lion. (Alas, I don’t have one of those, either, but I wish I did.)
3.      Dragons posses vast stores of ancient, magical knowledge. (That oughta help with my latest novel, right?)
4.      Dogs can’t fly. Dragons can. (And I might be able to ride, right? Wait…what about all that fiery skin…)
5.      Security. Dragons are great at fighting enemies (and irritating neighbors, too).
6.      Seaching for treasure. There’s got to be some gold hidden in these hills.
7.      To keep the cows company when I travel.
8.      To cook me dinner (roasted cow…yum).
9.      So I can watch a dragon fly across the moon (much more exciting than an owl, although those are nice, too).
This would be a perfect moon for dragon-watching
10.  And in the words of my 13-year-old son…Dragons are cooool.
What mythical creature would you like for a pet?